Meditation with angels
- bey0ndM@gz!ne
- February 13, 2018
- Health-Wellness
Why contact your Guardian Angel through meditation? When you in a meditative state, you are opening up your energy to receive guidance. Your Guardian Angel is in your life, to be your guardian and guide you. Alot of situations can occur in life some good and some that are very challenging. Only through opening up our energy with mediation do we open the door for our Guardian Angels to step into our lives. We have free will so the choice is purely ours.
We all have heard that “meditation is good for you”. But good in what terms? And why connect to your Guardian Angels in meditation?
Meditation is meant to clear out our minds, help us be present, and to allow us the opportunity to become in touch with our true inner most feelings. Meditation gives us awareness. Through awareness we are empowered to change our lives, and choose the direction we want to go. Through meditation we learn to clear our minds and choose our thoughts wisely, rather than letting our minds run wild by our thoughts. By letting our minds run wild with our thoughts, it creates anxiety, depression, insomnia etc. Ultimately mental and emotional stress leads to physical health problems.
As a physical being there are many things which happen in life which are outside of your control. Meditation is a tool for taking responsibility for your mental state, regardless of what is happening in your life. It is a process of getting to know your own mind, and then transforming your mental state for the positive.
There are many forms and different ways to meditate but we discussing meditation with your Guardian Angels.
Although Guardian Angels are constantly nearby, they’re usually invisible because they are spirits without physical bodies. When you contact your guardian angel through meditation, you usually won’t see your angel with your physical eyes, but sometimes your angel may physically manifest before you, or send you visual signs of his or her presence with you. Your angel will appear or send visual signs whenever doing so is necessary to best communicate certain messages to you.
Why contact your Guardian Angel through meditation? When you in a meditative state, you are opening up your energy to receive guidance. Your Guardian Angel is in your life, to be your guardian and guide you. Alot of situations can occur in life some good and some that are very challenging. Only through opening up our energy with mediation do we open the door for our Guardian Angels to step into our lives. We have free will so the choice is purely ours.
Once we unlock the door and allow the love of our Guardian Angels into out lives, we get assistance and love from above. Remember meditation is the tool, to help you not allow the outer world disturb the peace of your inner world. Connecting with your Guardian Angels, gives you help from above so you do not have to handle all challenges on your own.
Once you connect to your Guardian Angels you most certainly will see the signs, they will contact you and assist you.
Guardian Angels are assigned to you it is up you to let your Guardian Angels into your life. You won’t regret the decision.
How to Contact Your Guardian Angel Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for awhile Turn off any electronic devices that can distract you, such as a television, phone, or computer. Turning off the lights and shutting your blinds will help. Lighting a candle or incense or place a crystal infront of you which gives you something to focus on.
Meditation requires you to be still for a long time. Don’t sit somewhere that makes you want to move. You can even lie down to meditate, as long as you’re sure you won’t fall asleep.
Close your eyes or watch a candle. Try not to think of anything, not even your guardian angel for a few minutes. Focus on keeping your breath steady and slow. You need to be peaceful.
Mentally say “hello” to your angel. Thank your angel for watching over you. Let your angel know any problems that are bothering you. Ask your angel for guidance.
Any sign your angel is there will most likely be subtle. It may be a faint noise, a fleeting image in your mind’s eye, a feeling of warmth, or a sensation that someone is in the empty room with you.
Say goodbye to your angel. End your meditation with a prayer. If your eyes were closed, open them. Shift positions and sit for a minute or two as you let your mind go back to normal.
Benefits Of Connecting To Your Guardian Angels Through Meditation:
- Increased Intuition
- Angels Help You Heal Your Life
- Feeling The Love From Above
- Receiving Healing From Angels
- Discover Your True Life Path
- Feel More Intune With Your Soul