Mian Xiang – The Art of Face Reading

“Face reading” an ancient art form used across many cultures. It is said to reveal not only a person’s true character, but also his or her fortune, luck, talents and ailments. Let us take a look how this technique holds relevance even today, and can be used as a effective tool in the upcoming decade.


Mian Xiang is the ancient art of Face Reading originating in the period of the Yellow Emperor (2700 BCE). ‘Mian’ literally means face and ‘Xiang’ means study of physiognomy of the appearance. Face reading is one of five integral Chinese Arts forms or Wushu. The study and techniques of face reading evolved over a period of time and were carefully documented in several of the ancient Chinese Classics. This art form compliments other metaphysic studies like Bazi (Destiny Reading) and Feng Shui (study of the land).

How does this work?

The Chinese devised a very sophisticated 100 year face map, where each position represents a single year in your life. For males we begin counting from the left side and for females from the right side. So if we notice any obvious moles, protrusions, scars, blemishes, indentations or skin discolouration on the face , we can predict at that given point/ age a potential problem might occur.

What was it used for?

During the days of the Imperial Dynasties of China, the Chief Advisors and strategists used this handy tool to provide guidance for the Emperor whom they served. The selection process for important Imperial positions was based on this. The faces of suitable candidates were cross checked with their Bazi (Destiny Chart). While it was possible to falsify destiny charts with inaccurate date and time of birth -the face never lied! Interestingly, it was also used for marriage proposals. Parents scrutinised their prospective daughter-in laws to see if they would bring good fortune to the family and potential husbands were cross-checked to see if they would be good stable providers for their daughters.
Chinese physicians till date use this technique to diagnose ailments by understanding the five elements on the face.

How does Chinese and Western Face Reading differ?

While Western face Reading gives us insight into a person’s character and personality type , Chinese face reading goes a step further and can help us predict relationships, family background, future success and potential challenges down to what time frame and age these could occur.

Will plastic surgery or Botox alter my facial story?

“What you feel inside reflects on your face” If you detect a certain flaw on your face , cosmetic surgery is clearly not the answer. You have to work from the inside to improve the outside. This can be done gradually by facing your insecurities, altering your thought process, improving
your personality by proactive actions and focusing on your strengths. The face will then mirror the mind and you will see subtle changes in your facial features. Experiences and attitudes also reflect on your face as you progress through life.

How is this ancient study relevant in today’s world?

Since the face is the most exposed part of the human anatomy, it is relatively easy to observe without being obvious. In fact when we first meet a person we are instinctively face reading even without realizing it. It gives us a little extra insight into a person’s character, personality and needs. Without being judgemental we can quickly determine a person’s strengths and weakness. For example , with just a quick glance we can determine if someone is trustworthy and capable of being a good business partner, friend or employee. We can also use it to find out if a prospective romantic interest is kind, passionate and has potential to be a faithful partner.

The Three Divisions of the Face
The Hundred year Map

The face is further divided into 3 sections : Upper, Middle and Lower part. The upper part ‘Heaven’ depicts youth (age 1-30yrs), Middle portion ‘Man’ representing middle age (31-50yrs) and lowermost ‘Earth’ deals with old age (51 years onwards.) We can quickly gauge a person’s fortunes with just a quick glimpse of their face. For example, if a person has many scars or lines on his forehead we can assume he has had a difficult early life with fewer opportunities. It is ideal to have all 3 sections in proportion. If any one portion is compressed , marked or scarred we can assume that this time frame is more challenging for them.


Point 28 is called the LIFE PALACE :

This area between the eyebrows (where a bindi is usually placed) represents our hopes and dreams . We prefer it to be smooth, unlined and hairless.

Point 51 reflects the quality of our RETIREMENT:

the savings that we have for the future. It is considered auspicious to have a deep, long and wide indention on the philtrum. It is also indicative of good health and the reproductive capabilities of both men and women.


Eyebrows are reflective of your social connections and siblings. They are preferred to be longer than the length of the eye, well groomed (hair growing in one direction) and have a gentle curve.


Eyes are the windows to your soul and reflect your emotional state. This is one feature which is very hard to alter or change through cosmetic surgery. Sharp alive eyes indicate an active person who can capitalise on life’s opportunities. Big moist eyes suggest an overtly sentimental person. Dull, tired, sunken eyes reflect someone who is emotionally troubled and possibly depressed.


A high prominent FOREHEAD indicates a person with high status and power.


Mouth is the communication officer of the face and represents the water element. A large generous mouth is always preferred . A crooked lopsided mouth indicates a person with poor speaking skills.


Ears cover the childhood period (1-14 yrs.) If the ears are high and close to the head, it is indicative of a very intelligent person.


The NOSE represent the Wealth capacity of a person. A big fleshy nose is generally preferred.


This is located at the temples one finger space away from the outer eye. It is preferred to be fleshy and not sunken in.

Interesting facts

* The shape of a face can be studied under 5 elemental categories
* A good face is fleshy like a ripe fruit and is free of marks, scars, indentions, discolouring and moles.
* Studying the Qi color of the face is the highest level of Face reading , which indicates the quality of the person.

By Priya Subberwal
Contact: priya@dishaconsulting.co | +852 93100869
To learn more about Face Reading please log on to https://joeyyaponline.com

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