No nonsense – Transformative approach to health and wellness with mayuri punjabi of myeurekalife.

‘As I stood in my toilet, pinching the fat on my belly, before I was about to inject myself with pre-diabetic medication, I said to myself,


My epiphany was that I am here to thrive, and not to merely survive my life.’

This was a pure eureka moment for Mayuri Punjabi, the founder of MyEurekaLife, who takes a no-nonsense approach to guiding each of her clients on a transformational journey towards optimal health and wellness. ‘I come across individuals who desire to make a change but do not know how to make that mindset switch. In my role as a holistic health coach, I serve as a catalyst for what I like to call ‘Eureka moments’. I am able to shine a light on areas of their life which often tend to be overlooked and offer a new perspective. These moments are so important when embarking on a  journey such as MyEurekaLife.

Holistic health coach, founder of MyEurekaLife, a renowned wellness and lifestyle guidance platform, Mayuri Punjabi has created a ripple effect and become a household name — from discovering her own Eureka moment and getting her life back on a healthy course, to putting all her research and knowledge into practice, to coming up with a bioindividualised coaching methodology. She did her undergraduate degree in London and has a BSc in Genetics and Biochemistry. Additionally, she’s a certified health coach by the Institute of Integrated Nutrition, headquartered in New York. She launched MyEurekaLife officially as a business two years ago, and has caused a ripple effect in the health and wellness space since then.

Mayuri believes, as she has concluded after years of experience, that “one person’s food is another person’s poison”. Hence she follows the  principles of Bio-individuality and creates a blueprint for each of her clients. “I work with every one of my client to create specialised, sustainable plans that encourage positive and healthy lifestyles, across mind and body” she says. Her approach is based on the repertoire of experiences that she has had with a variety of individuals, including herself, which has truly allowed her to study and understand patterns and responses of the body, as well as be instinctive in how she coaches.

There is no one-size-fitsall approach to health and wellness. While miracle pills and cures sound so straightforward and simple, they follow the same  principle as fad diets; its consumption might give quick results, but it’s not sustainable. Are the pills actually going to sustainably nourish your body? It’s unlikely that the answer will be yes.

Fad diets come and go because they are never sustainable and do not prove to be reliable for every individual. Moreover, these diets are a quick fix  to something that requires deeper attention.

Mayuri says “The most important thing about any lifestyle change is consistency, and with consistency requires discipline. I have some clients that share they do not exercise and others that run every day, and because I understand that this is something that is a constant for them, I build a tailored program with that understanding in mind”.

As explained by the coach herself, “Mindset is everything, and is especially important when beginning a transformative journey such as this one”. Participating in a transformative journey requires the individual to come to the realisation themselves that there is another way to live, and to want to make this change for the betterment of their life. “I come across individuals who desire to make a change but do not know how to make that mindset switch. In my role as a holistic health coach, I serve as a catalyst for what I like to call ‘Eureka moments’.”

Throughout the 12 to 24 weeks programs, Mayuri works with each client to deconstruct every craving down to the root, strengthening their mindset to overcome situations that arise. She has coined a technique for journaling called “VLASG”, which she recommends and encourages each of her clients to actively do:

The program starts off by rating our sentiment from a scale of 1-10, with 1 representing the lowest.

  1. V is for Vent: Write everything that is inside of you. Put the masks and feelings of being a certain way aside, without holding back, and allow yourself to be completely raw and real; express anything that is robbing you of your peace of mind.
  2. L is for Lesson: Now, ask yourself. What is this situation or person trying to teach me? This shifts your mindset from playing victim towards an opportunistic mindset, and leads you to grow and learn from the situation.
  3. A is for Action: Now that you can see the situation from the lens of the lesson, what action is now available for you to take?
  4. S is for Schedule: The action now has to take place for this exercise to have made any difference, set a time and date to execute.
  5. G is for Gratitude: List five things you are grateful for. Now, that doesn’t mean listing generic points, but rather truly unpack your day and find the moments that have filled your heart with joy.

We end by rating how we are feeling from a scale of 1-10 after completing the steps.

Disclaimer: this advice is not a one-sizefits- all, therefore some of these may work for the general population, but may not for others, depending on the bioindividual needs of the person.

  • Stop snacking – you don’t need to eat eight times a day, and should allow your digestive system a rest in between meals.
  • Do not drink liquids during your meals as it causes the digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid in your stomach to dilute, which weakens it and slows down the digestion process. This can lead to bloating and general discomfort. Therefore, drink liquids 30 minutes before and after a meal, not during.
  • Never compromise on your sleep. Seven to nine hours of sleep is required, unless you’d like to wreak havoc on your health.
  • Learn to read labels and pay close attention to the ingredients list. However, it is important to look out for ways in which sugar can sneak its way into the ingredients lists, especially when masked under scientific terminology.
  • Trust your body to communicate and tell you what works and what doesn’t. Don’t just jump on the bandwagon of the next fad, as it may not be right for you. We are an evolved species and have done so without any fad diets or supplements.

Hunger is the best condiment! – a belief held and advocated by the holistic health expert. A majority of her programs leverage fasting as a tool to cleanse the body and develop mind skills. Fasting is essentially a training field for one’s mind, showing that one can choose to respond versus react, while simultaneously building will power and discipline, that are valuable to every facet of one’s life.

Mayuri says “The fasting requirements for each client is different and are guided by myself. Every client that I have worked with using this tool has expressed the benefits they have experienced — from being more in control, experiencing weight loss, not waking up in the middle of the night, no longer experiencing brain fog, feeling more energetic overall, and notably being incredibly anti-ageing”.

The pandemic has definitely allowed people an opportunity to look inwards, forced them to take the time to care for themselves and prioritise their  mental and physical wellbeing. With that being said, the topic of health and wellness has been top-of-mind for several years, with individuals starting to take their metabolic health into their own hands. It is as if a light has been lit across the population that being healthy is of the utmost importance, and addressing underlying health conditions and hormonal issues is the way forward.

MyEurekaLife Approved!
The #MyEurekaLifeApproved stamp indicates the products that Mayuri deems as clean and something that she would recommend, which includes food, beauty and skin products.

Most recently, Mayuri collaborated with The Gourmet Bar, a Hong Kong-based online marketplace that strives to provide fresh and clean products. Some of the products available have been diligently vetted by Mayuri herself, along with the founder, in terms of ingredients and nutritional value lists to identify items that would be deemed MyEurekaLife Approved. There are a few more collaborations in the pipeline with other small businesses and restaurants which she is very excited about and cannot wait to share soon!

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