Winter Warmer
- bey0ndM@gz!ne
- February 28, 2018
- Food-Recipe
“Winter is the time for Comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire with friends and family”.
Look And Feel Great this winter
Once again winter is all set to chill us and give us relief from hot and sultry summer. But there is lot more to winters than just the woolen outfits, hot chocolate and soups. Frigid and dry air of outside along with any kind of indoor heats cracks the protective barrier of our skin. The result: your skin becomes rough, flaky and itchy. It is not only the matter of appearance, the dryness of skin prone to infections like eczema and psoriasis. Neglect of daily care can easily lead to habitual dehydration, with sensitive skins and red patches.
Since we talked a lot for our skin care, it’s the time to pay attention to your food facts now, Written in diary of my friend long back I read, “ Winter is the time for Comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire with friends and family”. So give your body a real warmth winter feel by trying following winter wonder food in your diet the coming winter. Nourishing and refreshing food choice.
Top five easily available winter food choices for you.
Honey and Ginger:
I remember very well my childhood days and the home remedy of honey and ginger if we suffer from cough and cold to treat our respiratory problem, believe me even today I do the same with hot milk and pinch of turmeric in it, it really helps. Although both have their health benefits but the combined effect gives you a better taste and goodness of both.
Citrus fruits:
Very popular fruits available globally includes oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and tangerines to name a few. Vitamin C is present in abundance in this fruit which helps in fighting against cough and cold and gives a better immunity. So eat fresh or squeeze the juice to keep cold away.
Oh the health benefit of this wonder food comes in different ways, be it coconut oil, or coconut water or grated coconut or the whole coconut. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, a fatty acid, which can kill different micro- organisms and keep you away from infections. Study also says that it is very good food to keep you in shape. As it is high in dietary fiber and low in Glycemic Index.
A unique fruit, rich in healthy fats with proven powerful health benefits, It is very nutritious and flavorful. It is rich source of vitamin K, potassium, and folate. Talking about its fat content it is rich in heart healthy Mono unsaturated fatty acids. Also it is rich in fiber so if you are thinking of weight loss you can have this fruit in your bowl. It can be added in many recipes including pickle, sandwiches, chicken, top of bread toast and many other ways.
Needless to mention that nuts are considered as the wonderful food. And the health benefits include its major role in improving brain health as it is rich in omega -3 fatty acids and also contain a no. of neuroprotective compounds. Also it is rich in antioxidants so delays ageing. So grab a handful of walnut to get benefited.
To summarize with the winter foods here are other options for you to give you the warmth in every meal and making your winter a real wonderful warm season give a try to cream cheese potato soup, butternut squash soup, try the berry muffins for kids, green leafy vegetables to go with every afternoon meals, some hard boiled eggs and yes don’t forget your cup of green tea!! 绿 茶
We wish you all a happy cozy winter!!