The Benefits of exercise for children
Physical activity in children is essential for a wide number of reasons. It helps to control getting overweight and obese; it increases strength in muscles and bones, and can even improve concentration at school. Exercise is a vital component of any child’s development and lays the foundation for a healthy life ahead. What does exercise do? Exercise promotes healthy growth …
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Understanding Organic Food
Agriculture and farming have become more industrialised in the previous century because of the growing demand for food in the world. The process of growing vegetables and fruits has become technical, using chemicals, genetics and other methods to improve the quantity, quality, aspect and availability. Unfortunately, research now proves that some of these methods can be quite harmful to our …
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Emotional Healing
I am so angry! I want to cry! It frustrates me! How often do you shout, or think these in your head? Are you always grumpy and upset “about something”, but unsure why? Do you let emotions bubble under the surface, but refuse to acknowledge what’s really going on? We all have emotions. Positive emotions feel good – like happiness, …
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Supporting Immunity with Vitamin D
Vitamin D (known as the “sunshine vitamin”) is one of the most essential vitamins to build the body’s immunity. Not only is it important for our bones, but it also helps regulate the immune system and the neuromuscular system. Vitamin D Reduces Respiratory Tract Infections by 49% Vitamin D is needed for full immunity and the best way to get …
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Yoga For Well-Being
Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose): Pose demonstrated by Master Kamal M Etymology: Go – Cow, Mukha – Face, Asana – Posture. The feet on both sides represent the cow’s ears and the crossed legs look like the cow’s face. Chakra awareness: Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra) and Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) Practice level: Basic Classification: Seated and stretching pose Step by step …
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The Thyroid Connection
The Thyroid epidemic is still a relatively unknown one, even though 1 in 8 women worldwide are expected to develop thyroid issues in their lifetime. With thousands of people undiagnosed and misdiagnosed, in both developed and underdeveloped countries, this issue is one that cannot be ignored any longer. As people develop several chronic health problems, many are unaware as to …
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Plant – Focused Diet to Transform the Planet’s Future
January 24, 2020
History has shown that the way we eat has changed dramatically over the past hundred years. And especially during recent years, we saw massive changes with trends moving towards vegetarian, vegan, and healthier food. Veganism used to be about health and animal welfare. But the goalposts of a growing plant-based diet movement have shifted, with people increasingly motivated to ditch …
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What if I told you that a small 2-inch long butterfly-shaped gland in your body (more precisely in your neck) is one of the main glands responsible for your body’s entire metabolism? When we say that the thyroid is responsible for your metabolism, it means quite simply that it regulates the speed with which your body cells work. Not only …
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Yoga – for well-being
Ustrasana (Camel Pose): Pose demonstrated by Master Kamal M Etymology: Ustra – Camel, Asana – Posture The body in this posture resembles the posture of a camel, it is so called Camel Pose Chakra awareness: Crown Chakra (Sahasara Chakra), Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra), Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra) & Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra) Practice level: Basic Classification: Sitting, Static, Back Arch …
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Gift your child the secret to lifelong healthy eating
Adequate variety of food provides not only the energy but also the nutrients which are essential for a child’s growth and development. In regards to children, food preferences continue to change starting from childhood because of the impact of the biological, environmental and social factors. These food preferences eventually form a part of their daily diet thereby influencing their health …
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