Trending Blindly
- bey0ndM@gz!ne
- July 20, 2019
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I very often try to read up on jewelry related news, and am often disappointed by the kinds of articles I see. Approximately 80% of jewelry related articles are all about what’s “trending”, “in” and ”happening”! Though it shouldn’t surprise me, as these words are the building blocks of most articles related to the fashion world. What does surprise me is the intensity with which brands promote “trends” and the intensity with which people follow them.
I am hardly a fashionista (my friends will vouch for that), but having chosen to work with jewelry, I cannot escape all the trappings of the fashion world. The exciting thing is though that things are changing. Even though the number of articles and brands that “promote” certain trends are increasing due to the number of advertising mediums available, many of the consumers are getting smarter.
In my 20 years (give or take) of being a jewelry designer, I have had maybe a handful of clients requesting for jewelry that’s in “fashion” or in “trend”.
Majority of my clientele actually want something that is unique and not mass produced. Not only does that encourage me as a designer, but also keeps me inspired to create.
I’m not against trends in general, but at the end of the day people must realize that all it is, is a marketing gimmick. Who creates these trends? The very companies that mass-produce certain types of items and then need to sell them…fast!
Here are some of the reasons I feel “trending blindly” doesn’t work for most people –
Trends don’t follow the masses – masses follow the trends
Trends don’t usually portray what the masses want; instead many a times companies decide on what is trendy (usually depending on what they are manufacturing) and then push the agenda on to the consumers. Flooding the market with a particular idea requires money and access to every advertising platform, which all large companies have.
Trends don’t work for many people
This is truer for clothing than jewelry, but even for jewelry a lot of “what’s in” in a particular season might not work with the shape of your face of your persona.
Trends can be very costly
Personally I find following trends all the time a tad bit exhausting, but it can also be a drain on your wallet. Staying in “vogue” is expensive. Many of the companies developing these trends are manufacturers of high end products. To rank up your credit card bills on the advise of companies who will change their “it” product every few months is silly (unless of course you have lots of silly money to throw around).

Trends fill up the landfills
So this I really have a problem with. When something becomes “the trend”, the insane volume with which it is then produced around the world is quite alarming. If it’s a high end product, you will soon have a dozen factories in China (and other countries) producing similar or identical products which are of lesser quality and more affordable for the masses. So many of these products don’t last, and not just as trends. Due to the quality of materials used, many of these products are literally trashed soon after they are bought.
Trends don’t express individuality
This is my personal favorite. There is no dearth of designers that have quality products. So many of these independent designers are artists in their own right, making jewelry that is unique and affordable. Most also custom make jewelry for their clients. Explore, try on, and experiment with styles and designs that work for you and your wardrobe.
Some styles are always “trendy”
There are some pieces of jewelry that will always stay in vogue. It’s a good idea to invest in these by buying quality products. Some of these are:
- Pearls – A short and a long string in white, grey and champagne color. Always versatile, classic and elegant.
- Chandelier earrings – Perfect for those summer months, evenings out.
- Cocktail rings – Invest in classic gemstones like ruby and emerald if you love rings. If you love color you will find an amazing variety in semi precious gemstones that are available in the market.
- Gold studs – Something simple and easy to wear with any attire.
In today’s world of innovation and creativity, there are multiple designers working with this very idea – to create with some originality. These designers will happily work with you to not only make custom pieces, but will also help you find jewelry that best suits you. There are many “trends” that never go out of style, invest in them by buying quality products. “Trending blinding” and often works less for your wallet and even less for the environment. Instead, buy something original, unique, and more importantly jewelry that best expresses “you”!

Jewelry Designer and
Gemologist (G.I.A)